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Kris Allen obviously prefers relief work over re-tweeting donation pleas

January 24, 2010

“I am actually going to Haiti. Obviously, I wanted to do something to help out. I was actually going to do that telethon thing, but then somebody hooked me up with going [to Haiti] and just helping out in the next couple days.”

After many experiences doing missionary work before American Idol, it’s probably safe to say Kris Allen isn’t going to Haiti for the photo op. Hell, just a few weeks ago, he was singing for sick children at an Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

“This is the stuff that means the most to me, going out and helping people. And obviously, the thing that happened in Haiti was just a tragedy. I feel blessed that I get to go over there and help people out.”

Cue Glambert outrage in 3…2…1. They’re still pissed Allen’s Live Like We’re Dying made it to #1 on the VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown, and since most of them are experts on all things in the music/entertainment industries, I’m sure they’ll have something to say. Because they always do.

Way to go, Kris Allen! I wish I was able to assist with relief efforts in Haiti. Actually getting physically involved with a cause often means a lot more than writing a check.

180 Comments leave one →
  1. Lauren permalink
    January 26, 2010 1:04 am

    LOL! At least one of the two.

  2. erinnthered permalink
    January 25, 2010 7:53 pm

    Hmmm…most of the people I know in the UK can’t stand Geldof. He’s seen as a doing it for the fame and attention by a lot of people. His kids turning into such pillars of society didn’t help.

    I never thought much of him until A hardcore Michael Hutchence tard I used to work with gave me an earful. As BSC as she was, it was clear the guy is definitely a creep. Whatever people thought of Geldof then, I’m pretty sure the general opinion has changed.

    Curtis is truly beloved. Most people hardly knew who he was until a few years back when Wossy finally dragged him in front of the camera. He takes the Kris approach.

  3. julie permalink
    January 25, 2010 3:06 am

    David Archuleta was just in South America on a humanitarian trip, and I don’t remember anyone questioning his motives. So I’m not sure why they are doing so with Kris now …

    • January 25, 2010 8:10 am

      No one questioned Archie’s motives because he didn’t beat Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey on some television show months ago.

      • Kathy permalink
        January 25, 2010 8:29 am

        *slow clap*

      • SarahBeth permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:25 pm

        SO TRUE.

        *joins Kathy in a slow clap*

      • TopIdol permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:21 pm

        No one accuses David Cook of doing anything regarding cancer awareness, or going on Extreme Makeover for it, as a PR stunt. If they did, I might smack them. The man never pimped his story on AI, refused to do so. But if he can use his fame to help a good cause, so be it. I’ve never found anything PR-stunty about it, just as I don’t with Kris Allen, who would probably be in Haiti right now if he had never gone on Idol.

        • Pandora permalink
          January 25, 2010 2:38 pm

          But, wait, TI… that sounds like, you know, actual LOGIC. Which is completely wasted on the Glamberts.

  4. julie permalink
    January 25, 2010 2:47 am

    Kris says he was invited to go to Haiti, and I doubt that that invitation would have been made if anyone thought he would be useless/in the way/taking up resources that should go to more skilled aid workers and/or the Haitian people themselves. Since he’s been on several humanitarian missions already, I would bet that he is far more experienced/trained than a large percentage of “regular” people who might be thinking of volunteering (for instance – me). I would assume he is going for no longer than a week, since he’s got his concert dates already lined up in early Feb. And I would bet that if he feels he is in the way, he’ll leave.

  5. Erin107 permalink
    January 25, 2010 1:17 am

    lol you probably have one shot. I got permabanned at TWoP months ago for daring to call out some anti-Kris troll’s idiocy. Oh well. That site is just one big ball of crazy, I’m so glad I found a site like this.

    • Lauren permalink
      January 25, 2010 1:19 am

      Really?! lol. Maybe I’ll build up a reputation. It’s not hard for me to squee about Adam for hours on end.
      Wait, you mean you think this site ISN’T one big ball of crazy?! Haha!

      • blacklisted permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:54 am

        Oh Lauren, I warn you about touching the stove and you insist on putting your fingers on the range. *sigh*

        Here’s a video of pre-Idol Kris in South Africa. You see a few bits of him at 1:22 and then after 1:40.

        • Lauren permalink
          January 25, 2010 1:56 am

          Blacklisted, I don’t want to know the stalking involved in finding this video but…Kris Allen radiates pure goodness.

  6. Erin107 permalink
    January 25, 2010 12:55 am

    I think this is my favorite Glambert troll post about the matter, from “imimperfect” (one of their at least 10 accounts) on Television Without Pity. Really brings the lulz:

    “It’s funny that Kris is going down to Haiti. I hope it is not to exploit the situation – and just get publicity for himself and to pump some life into his album. Because you hardly hear of Kris’ humanitarian efforts – even though he supposedly did missionary work prior to Idol. But I guess he has been too busy just promoting himself and making money. We all know the causes Adam is involved in, but there has been zilch re Kris.”

    • Lauren permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:58 am

      That is just fricken WRONG!
      Excuse me as I rage and look up cute Kradam pics to make me feel better.

      • Erin107 permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:04 am

        lol I’ve an admitted Kristard and have been lurking for so long on TWoP and MJ’s that I’m not sure how my brain hasn’t turned to mush from these idiots.

        This imimperfect moron has like 12 different accounts at TWoP that have literally been saying variations on the same thing for MONTHS (basically, “19 hates Kris. I read that Kris has the lowest-selling winners’ album. I am not surprised because I hate Kris. I have to keep it real, because no one like Kris. He doesn’t have Adam’s personality or Danny’s sense of humor, and that’s why he doesn’t get invited to movie premieres like Adam.” Their double accounts reply to each other and it’d be freaking hilarious if it weren’t so pathetically sad.

        • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
          January 25, 2010 1:06 am

          “He doesn’t have … Danny’s sense of humor”

          THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!

          • Mylifeback permalink
            January 25, 2010 1:32 am

            Danny’s sense of humor. Now that made me LOL.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:38 am

              Adam, Kris, and Allison have senses of humor. Danny…not so much

        • deez permalink
          January 25, 2010 1:39 am

          Holly Sockpuppets redux? Does this person (or one of the aliases) claim to be a 32 y/o blonde ad exec?

          • Erin107 permalink
            January 25, 2010 1:43 am

            lol probably, she posts too much among her 10+ aliases that it’s difficult for me to be able to tell. This troll is a monster, she has so many of these accounts and the mods at TWoP don’t do anything about it even though everyone’s onto her. Someone made an account called “ReplyToMyself” that does nothing but mock her, for instance.

      • margie permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:05 am

        Lauren I like you. I think you are sweet as can be. But this is the reason why it has become so hard to be a Adam fan. I am being honest here. It is not this one comments; it’s months of degrading. Like I said earlier it’s found guilty by association. Is it fair no. But after after months of hearing, seeing, etc the same bullshit you just don’t care anymore.

        • Pandora permalink
          January 25, 2010 5:17 pm

          Right. And Adam could speak up and say something like “Leave Kris the hell alone, he’s doing a good thing and I respect him for it.”

          But then the Glamberts would fall all over themselves trying to figure out the ulterior motive, and come up with “Kris can’t defend himself, he needs Adam to stand up for him.”

      • blacklisted permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:08 am

        Lauren, for all that is good, do NOT enter TWOP! You are one of the few of us who isn’t jaded and bitter. I’d like to keep you safe and away from all that darkness for a little bit a longer…at least until AI’s S9 Top 10.

        • Lauren permalink
          January 25, 2010 1:12 am

          But, but now I’m curious! I know some pretty crazy Glamberts but the majority of them like Kris. Maybe only for the fact that he’s Adam’s cuddle-bunny but still…Just don’t think the majority of us are like the very outspoken and insane minority.
          But I don’t stand for irrational Kris bashing. I kinda want to infiltrate TWoP now…

          • margie permalink
            January 25, 2010 9:22 pm

            Lauren I hope you know I was talking about projecting dislike on Adam not you. These comments get all messed sometimes. I need to pay more đŸ™‚

          • erinnthered permalink
            January 25, 2010 9:48 pm

            TWOP’s gone to hell. Leave them to rot in peace. Trust me.

  7. kimberly permalink
    January 24, 2010 11:38 pm

    Anyone who has an issue with Kris going to Haiti, well, their lives must really suck. If I’m not mistaken a lot of Kris’s fans donated to Donor’s Choice. I’ll step away slowly and quietly from the famewhore issue. I’m trying to emulate Kris Allen. Ain’t easy. ::smile::

    • blacklisted permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:17 am

      Yep, a lot of Kris fans donated to Donors Choose.

      The tards pissed at Kris for joining the relief effort or think that he’s doing this for purely selfish reasons are embarrassing themselves.

  8. erinnthered permalink
    January 24, 2010 11:32 pm

    Just want to add, well said, Claire. What Adam did for Donor’s Choose was awesome. It’s what he’s good at, and it was nice to see him be able help.

  9. erinnthered permalink
    January 24, 2010 11:29 pm

    That’s it. He’s officially mave favorite Idol contestant ever. Just awesome.

    Lakshmi, you may not realize how much you came off like a Glambert in your post. It’s like those people at MJ’s who post without making an effort to read other comments – or even the post they’re commenting on. If you’d read, you’d have already seen many people – including TI – comment on how Kris has done this before.

    I might also add that people like Kris are exactly what they need right now. Only for more than a couple of days. Port-au-Prince may be the most effected area, and that’s where the heavy relief work is going on, but Haiti is a big place, and they need experienced volunteers to help hand out supplies and coordinating in the camps and outlying areas. All that menial, unglamorous labor in the areas away from the cameras that sometimes get forgotten. IIRC, that’s exactly what he did during the tsunami relief effort. The reason they can’t just take anyone is because the last thing they need is someone who can’t handle the trauma and stress. They become another victim they need to help instead of being of help. Kris has seen this stuff, so I doubt that’s an issue here.

    I’ve known people who’ve being doing this kind of thing since Bosnia in the 90’s. Even as a kid, I knew people who worked with AIDS patients before they called it AIDS, and went to countries no one else had heard of in Africa to build schools and such. Kris reminds me of many of them in the way he carries himself. I’ve never met him, but from what I can see of him, he’s the real deal.

    Look, the Glamberts give me hives, but my issues with Adam are with Adam’s behavior, and his inability to deal with the Glamberts. I’m not going to judge Kris by his tards either. Now, if the Kristard who wants to go is inexperienced, and he handles the situation poorly should he find out, that’s another issue…

    …Off to read about Kris being drunk. *eyeroll*

    • Lakshmi permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:21 am

      Erin, if I’m anything, I’m a foreign policy tard. I know Kris has done stuff like this before but a couple of trips taken as a college student doesn’t make you an expert in anything. Most of the time the person who benefits the most from these trips is the volunteer, not the native population.

      I know this isn’t the forum to discuss the politics of foreign aid, and I regret bringing this up here for that reason, but Haiti does not need unskilled labor right now, it has plenty of its own.

      • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:05 am

        Kris is just one person, we don’t know any details of who he is going with or how this was arranged, so let’s not make like the tards at mj’s and tear into him before we know anything.

      • erinnthered permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:43 am

        I’m with VD here. I think you’re making assumptions without facts.

        You’ve also just hit a nerve with me, because your blanket claim takes in a lot more than Kris Allen, and pretty much just insulted a lot of my close friends. I’m insulted that you would assume that anyone who does this work is “unskilled labor.” If we wait until we’re all “experts” to go and do anything, nothing will ever get done! That’s just not how it works.

        I’m also a foreign policy tard, and I hate saying this, but it’s attitudes like the one you’re expressing that end up hurting many areas that need help. If you have the skills (even just the ability to teach English) and the personality to handle the cultural differences it should be considered your duty to spend some time in another country contributing to their communities. And yes, the overwhelming majority of people who do this work do actually leave the communities a better place. Of course, these aren’t the people who stay for two weeks, take pictures, and leave. They do work like Obama’s mother, teaching women how to use stoves, and men how to farm new crops on a small scale.

        It wasn’t just “a couple of trips in college.” The guy has spent probably a year or more of his life in third world countries, and has done disaster relief work on the ground. The work he was doing was not a college group going to see how the other half lives. Generalizations help no one.

        And about Haiti…there is a huge difference between someone who has contacts in the international service community – like Kris – going down there with a group already associated with the relief effort, and Jo Schmo hopping on a plane to Port au Prince to lend a hand. It’s the latter they’re guarding against. They absolutely need non locals for many jobs. It’s a sad thing, but you want locals to do certain jobs so the non-locals don’t take advantage – and to give people something to do – but you want non-locals to do others for the opposite reason. It’s a balance, and a tough one. Especially with this kind of devastation. It’s something they aren’t going to talk about on the news because they go through certain channels to get the people they need, and it doesn’t help the relief effort to talk about the ridiculous and petty crap happening on the ground.

        • erinnthered permalink
          January 25, 2010 2:46 am

          Crap, that was some tl;dr! No offense taken if you don’t read. Really.

          I still feel better for posting it, though.

          • saskin permalink
            January 25, 2010 10:53 am

            Nope. Not tl;dr. I’m not a fan of Kris or him going to Haiti (I think it is for Idol gives back so a little bit exploitative) but I agree with you on all other accounts. I don’t think they need the volunteers to pull people under the rubble, they need help to distribute the aid which is as important.

            BTW I’m kinda sick of Lambert fans tearing down everything the other kid is and glorify everything silly thing their guy says or does. (Maybe it’s the same for every fan pairing but Lambert fans are the ones getting on my nerves)

            • erinnthered permalink
              January 25, 2010 6:41 pm

              Well…I kinda have an IGB rant, but I’ll keep it short…

              IGB is actually a subsidiary of Comic Relief. The US Comic Relief barely touches the full scope of the mother ship in the UK. They’re one of the largest aid organizations in the world, and raise millions of pounds for worldwide charities. They’re very well respected. The fact that 19E is trying to expand their presence in the US is a good thing.

              It bugs me that people have come to associate it with some sort of AI promotion because I’m familiar with the people and the group behind it, and that’s just not the case. I think they bungled the way it was introduced, but really, this is not just some way to make AI look good.

              • TopIdol permalink
                January 25, 2010 7:10 pm

                It sounds to me like it probably started with Bob Geldorf in some capacity, no?

                • erinnthered permalink
                  January 25, 2010 7:23 pm

                  Actually no, It was started by a legendary British comedy writer named Richard Curtis. Bob Zmuda spearheaded the original US offshoot. He looks a bit like Geldoff, so I think that’s where the rumor came from.


                  • TopIdol permalink
                    January 25, 2010 7:33 pm

                    And that Bob Geldorf has always been regarded as the most charitable poverty-crusading entertainers in all of the UK. From what I remember, people weren’t too upset when Paula Yates killed herself. They always hated the woman after she screwed over “St. Bob”.

                    Daughter Peaches is supposedly a Scientologist now….

                    • 8sourcandy permalink
                      January 26, 2010 12:18 am

                      I love Boom Town Rats ‘I don’t like Mondays.’

                    • Lakshmi permalink
                      January 26, 2010 12:30 am

                      Incidentally, John Travolta is apparently piloting a plane to Haiti soon. He’ll be joined by “by his actress-wife Kelly Preston, several doctors and Church of Scientology ministers.”


                    • TopIdol permalink
                      January 26, 2010 12:34 am

                      Which doesn’t count. But yes, as I said, they’re trying to start rumors Kris is a scientologist!! He’s a closet scientologist with a drinking problem!

                    • Lakshmi permalink
                      January 26, 2010 12:53 am

                      Doesn’t it sometimes seem like every celebrity is a closet Scientologist with a drinking problem?

            • 8sourcandy permalink
              January 26, 2010 12:01 am

              They’re getting on my nerves and I am an Adam fan. I lay awake a night plotting ways to destroy them—yet retain the revenue they generate. It’s exhausting!

        • Lakshmi permalink
          January 26, 2010 12:20 am

          Erin, I honestly didn’t mean to insult your friends. I also have a bunch of friends in the development/humanitarian aid world and I am in awe of the work they do. I literally read those articles I linked to 3 minutes before I read this post. So my reaction was a pretty immediate one.

          I don’t know the exact details of Kris’s situation, but I do know that the tsunami hit on December 26, 2004. Kris was born in 1985, so he was only 19 at most 20 when he assisted with the tsunami relief efforts, right? I don’t doubt that his intentions were good, but I think he still qualified as unskilled labor back then. Teaching English, microcredit projects, vaccination programs, etc. are all fantastic things that I fully support, but as Port-au-Prince is still a disaster zone, anyone going there right now isn’t going to be doing that sort of work right now.

          Honestly, if six months from now Kris held a press conference to say that he was going to Haiti to help build a school or to organize a farming collective (the sort of things that do actually change people’s lives), I’d give him a standing ovation. But I still strongly believe that it’s a mistake to go now.

    • Lauren permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:46 am

      Yeah, uhh Lakshmi is not a crazy Glambert guys. She never talks about Idol on twitter D:

      • erinnthered permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:47 am

        Awww. I’m sure you have plenty of friends on Twitter who talk Adam with you.

        I saw what you did in the Kris chat. That was pretty cool.

        One of us, One of us, One of us…

        • Lauren permalink
          January 25, 2010 2:53 am

          That I do lol.

          Wait…you were there? User-name?

          Haha not yet!!!!!!!!

          • erinnthered permalink
            January 25, 2010 2:56 am

            No, I’m sorry. I realized it could be construed that way. I meant I read here about what you did. I think I went to Kris Allen Official once…we really are a lazy bunch, huh?

            Plus, I never reveal my sockpuppet name. That way I only have one to keep track of. đŸ˜‰

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 3:01 am

              Haha I used to go to AO all the time. Then I realized I’d rather talk to other people and could get my news elsewhere.

              Haha I never even change my name. I always use some variation of Lauren, Lauren722, or Kradam722 on every site.

            • blacklisted permalink
              January 25, 2010 3:12 am

              I think I also went to Kris Allen Official once. I’ve never heard of KAAddicts much less considered joining a Kris chat, ’cause ‘chatting’, huh? That sounds like a lot of work.

              All of this implies BTW that Lauren is a way bigger Kristard than me.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 11:52 am

              Hahahaha! I like to chat. It’s way easier than finding a forum to talk in. I AM NOT A KRISTARD! lol

              • TopIdol permalink
                January 25, 2010 2:22 pm

                Yeah…you kind of are đŸ™‚

                • erinnthered permalink
                  January 25, 2010 7:24 pm

                  Okay, who were these last two replies aimed at? I’m curious about the “hope” reference.

            • blacklisted permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:04 pm

              De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt, Lauren.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:10 pm


              Kris who?

            • blacklisted permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:21 pm

              Fail Lauren, fail! Where’s the mention of glambulge, huh? Go back to the drawing board toots, you have a ways to go before we consider you a Glambert.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:43 pm

              Damn it!
              Let me try again.
              I am going to throw my bra at Adam! I want the Glambulge to come out and play with me! It is so huge and sexy and larger than Kris’s….I am grossing myself out…lol I fail.

            • erinnthered permalink
              January 25, 2010 6:44 pm

              Lauren, admit it, you own plaid. You’re considering learning guitar, and living on a kibutz for a year. You secretly hum Chasing Pavements and Heartless while you do your homework.

              In short, you are a Kristard.

              • TopIdol permalink
                January 25, 2010 7:11 pm

                Lauren, admit it, you own plaid. You’re considering learning guitar, and living on a kibutz for a year. You secretly hum Chasing Pavements and Heartless while you do your homework.

                In short, you are a Kristard.

                That is awesome. Oh so awesome. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 7:06 pm

              Haha Erinn! You are wrong though. Except for the owning plaid part. I love plaid đŸ˜€ *I am in de nile*

      • Lakshmi permalink
        January 26, 2010 12:25 am

        Thanks, Lauren! No offense to you, but I’m not an Adam fan.

        • Lauren permalink
          January 26, 2010 12:51 am

          lol I have realized. đŸ˜›

  10. Claire permalink
    January 24, 2010 11:15 pm

    When Adam was creating awareness for Donors Choose to help raise money, did bitter Kristards accuse him as being an opportunistic famewhore? If so, is the bitching and whining (aside from genuine concern with inexperienced volunteers making things worse) payback for what they said about Adam?

  11. deez permalink
    January 24, 2010 10:01 pm

    This Glambert=not impressed:

    01/24/2010 at 7:53 pm
    Not a fan of this. Shaky start, not a fan of his tone, it was kind of thin, and not a fan of those breaks, and some notes were just a shade off/missed.

    Not horrible, but not terribly good. No, I don’t need vocal acrobatics or runs with my NA, by I do like a better tone and hitting those notes much more solidly. Yes, it’s a bitch of a song to sing, I don’t think Kris did a great job here.

    But hey, great opportunity for him and I’m sure he was THRILLED to do it, so cool for him.

    I would give him a C for that.”

    01/24/2010 at 8:07 pm
    Kris did a great job, the crowd was cheering and singing along (which doesn’t happen often for the NA that I’ve observed), and I loved it.

    Really? Because every game I’ve gone to almost everyone sings it from the beginning.

    Or maybe people started joining it to try and sing over Kris, so they wouldn’t have to hear his version any more?

    I keed with that last one, by the way.”

    01/24/2010 at 8:46 pm
    Ahh, but even on his very worst day, there is always so much more to Kris than that!

    Yes, but what about the days his hair looks like crap (he’s rocking those bald spots) and he’s wearing that blue/red block plaid shirt…again?Guess on his worst days Kris won’t even have that. Oh noes.”

    Oh, Man………….

    • margie permalink
      January 24, 2010 10:14 pm

      Truthiness is the one Glambert I can deal with over at MJ’s (used since I banned again for calling out Q3). She actually does critique Adam. I don’t know who peed (Kris reference) in her Cheerio’s today but she usually isn’t that bad.

      • Lakshmi permalink
        January 24, 2010 10:33 pm

        Anyone who uses the handle “Truthiness” has to have some sense of humor.

    • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
      January 24, 2010 10:15 pm

      Truthiness kind of bounces between like and dislike, huh.

      • auntieaimee permalink
        January 24, 2010 11:11 pm

        She’s a master of the backhanded compliment.

      • Sherena permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:49 am

        The hallmark of a sane fan. She critiques when she dislikes a performance or look and applauds when she does like it. ^.^

    • 8sourcandy permalink
      January 24, 2010 11:24 pm

      Is she on crack? Bald spots? Off key? Is she talking about Kris or David Cook? Kris sounded great and he’s not balding. WTF?

      • blacklisted permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:08 am

        Did you just diss David Cook? Oh my, don’t you know about the cooktards reputation?!

        Gurl, you in danger!

        • pattyluponey permalink
          January 25, 2010 12:16 am

          I think most should be getting ready to jump ship….the tard-o-meter is clicking at 2 yrs. sourcandy may be safe.

          • 8sourcandy permalink
            January 25, 2010 8:59 pm

            David Cook is dull, unattractive and a mediocre performer.

            • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
              January 25, 2010 9:05 pm

              8sourcandy, you take that back!

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 9:35 pm

              Aw, he’s not that bad. I’m not a fan, but he’s better than Archie IMVHO. Does “in my very humble opinion” even exist yet? lol

            • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
              January 25, 2010 9:51 pm

              Actually, I’m sort of disappointed in Cook’s eponymous album, but since he said the next one will be more tongue-in-cheek, I’m holding on to hope! He is a witty dude and it should reflect in his songs.

      • Sherena permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:56 am

        Kris IS starting to bald, actually. He can’t help it; it’s in his genes. But you know, apparently the men who bald earliest have the most testosterone, so there’s that…

        • Lauren permalink
          January 25, 2010 1:00 am


          jk, ily! But really, how is he balding?!

          • Sherena permalink
            January 25, 2010 1:03 am

            I don’t have them saved, but in some Kris tour pictures (where he has his head down a little) it’s clear that his hair is noticeably thinning in spots. Plus if I’m not mistaken Daddy Allen is bald, yes?

            • Sherena permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:04 am

              Wait, I AM mistaken. Daddy Allen is not bald. The rest stands though. đŸ˜›

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:05 am

              I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. His dad’s hair is completely irrelevant.

              *hugs picture of Kris and rocks back and forth*

            • Sherena permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:06 am

              looool. Bald men can be hot though! Or they can wear wigs~

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:13 am

              Bald men are not hot. And Kris isn’t bald so it does not matter đŸ˜›

          • erinnthered permalink
            January 25, 2010 9:47 pm

            You go, you Kristard, you!

            Bald men can be hot, oh yeah…not sure Cook is, but bald men can be hot.

            If he made better music, I’d go see him. I saw a few of his banter vids a few weeks back, and he’s a pretty witty guy.

            • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
              January 25, 2010 9:52 pm

              Cook must never go bald. He does not have an aesthetically-pleasing cranium. He has pretty facial features though.

        • 8sourcandy permalink
          January 25, 2010 8:53 pm

          Maybe his hair is falling out from stress. đŸ˜¦

    • blacklisted permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:22 am

      “Truthiness kind of bounces between like and dislike, huh.”

      Happens when you’re menopausal and bipolar.

    • Sherena permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:51 am

      lol I ♥ her.

      This makes me want to listen to Kris’ performance to hear what it was really like. And Adam’s “If I Had You” Oprah performance that’s also gotten mixed reviews from fandom. I’m getting behind on my Idol stuff… I just can’t seem to drum up the same interest anymore đŸ˜¦

      • Sherena permalink
        January 25, 2010 1:00 am

        I just watched them. Neither were very good.

        • deez permalink
          January 25, 2010 2:26 am

          It’s OK Sherena…you’re suffering from Glambert/Kristard burnout. (honestly, I didn’t think that Anthem performance was as good as his other one…it was ok *shrugs*, still love him)

          Maybe S9 and TI’s awesome recaps can rekindle the interest…what we need is someone really lame to snark on…maybe Jamar Rogers will be on Tues and we will get some superfluous Gokey references!!!

          • pattyluponey permalink
            January 25, 2010 10:58 am

            I’ve been waiting for a Jamar Rogers sighting…just so we can get the Gokey snark on again. He’s fun to rally against.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:00 pm

              Gokey snarking really brings us all together, doesn’t it? No matter who you are a fan of, we can all unite under Gokey hate.

        • blacklisted permalink
          January 25, 2010 9:59 pm

          “I just watched them. Neither were very good.”

          Et tu, Sherena? Are you just going to abandon Adam when he needs his sane fans the most? Just walk away and become a John Park fantard?! *shakes head*

          • Lauren permalink
            January 25, 2010 11:08 pm

            Don’t worry, I’ll always be there for Adam at least. And I’m pretty sure Sour, Patty, and Lamberkitten aren’t going anywhere either.

            • pattyluponey permalink
              January 26, 2010 12:00 am

              I’m going nowhere đŸ™‚ Although I can look at him with a critical eye…the same way I can view my friends’ performances with a critical eye. No one is perfect. I’m a pretty diehard fan, though. đŸ™‚

            • 8sourcandy permalink
              January 26, 2010 12:07 am

              Watching someone become who they are suppose to be is very thrilling. I will not miss one moment of the evolution. đŸ™‚

            • Lauren permalink
              January 26, 2010 12:50 am

              Yay! So Sherena sucks but I’m glad I still have you two!
              Lol sorry, ily Sherena!

          • Sherena permalink
            January 25, 2010 11:10 pm


            • Sherena permalink
              January 25, 2010 11:19 pm

              I’m still, an Adam fan, though. It’s just like a relationship… the passion has faded, so now I see him with a realistic and sometimes critical eye. But I know he has it in him to deliver good performances too, even if he doesn’t always.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 11:26 pm

              Well Sherena, your relationship with Adam obviously isn’t as strong as mine is đŸ˜‰

    • Soapbox0916 permalink
      January 25, 2010 3:54 am

      My problem with Truthiness is not so much that I completely disagree with her, but that I got her point about her not liking Kris’s NA in her first post. A few times, she was responding to other posts, so I will cut her some slack. By her fifth post about Kris’s NA, it starts to get a little annoying. I swear Truthiness has about 30 posts in the thread saying basically the same thing. I get that she does not like Kris NA. Since I can’t say STFU over at MJ’s blog, I hope that it is OK that I let it out over here instead.

      I have to say I really appreciate you calling out some of the tards on the other message boards. I really thought it was just me that was weird instead. I may be guilty myself of some tarding, but reading TI, I feel like I actually may be sane after all. Thank you!

      • Pandora permalink
        January 25, 2010 10:24 am

        So why is it that MJ claims to not want fanwars over there, but it’s OK for every freaking Glambert in the world to diss Kris 800 times in the same thread?

        • deez permalink
          January 25, 2010 10:58 am

          You can fire the first shot….you just can’t fire back . I’m trying the “ross” approach over there.(if you are unfamiliar with ross, he’s the master at getting around the guidelines, while still saying what he wants) He agrees with Glambert comments (no matter how stupid) then pushes them to the point of absurdity. My last comment is in moderation…it’s of a “rossian” nature, but MJ will probably pick up the sarcasm and ban me.

          It’s frustrating ….I agree. I understand why she doesn’t like aggressive, or defensive comments (those derail a thread really quickly)….but funny, snarky replies get deleted as well. *sigh*

          • blacklisted permalink
            January 25, 2010 12:02 pm

            A lot of glamberts who go to MJ’s don’t understand subtle humor or sarcasm thus MJ’s tries to keep the peace by limiting snark. Since Kris has a dry wit, he appeals to people with that type of humor and those are the one’s who’d use snark as a response. Sadly, that leads to Kris fans getting into trouble at MJ’s because sarcasm is considered baiting and leading to fanwarring. It’s probably why we feel feel comfortable at TI’s. We can let our bitchy, snark flag fly.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:08 pm

              Haha, has TI ever banned ANYONE? I like it here because I don’t have to filter my comments. That’s why I don’t bother with MJ anymore.

            • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:01 pm

              Haha, has TI ever banned ANYONE?

              Diss John Hamm. See what happens.

            • margie permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:27 pm

              this is true. I have a very dry/sarcastic sense of humor. Prolly why I am banned again đŸ™‚

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:47 pm

              VD (haha VD!), I don’t even think TI would ban any of us for that. She loves us too much. Anyway, I started watching Mad Men because of TI and Don Draper just made me angry so I stopped. ~Please don’t ban me TI~

              • TopIdol permalink
                January 25, 2010 2:24 pm

                You need to keep watching it. Seriously. Just keep watching đŸ™‚

                • Lauren permalink
                  January 25, 2010 5:18 pm

                  Nooo! The way they treated women was truly offensive. I understand it was characteristic of the time but it still bothers me.

          • Claire permalink
            January 25, 2010 4:12 pm

            That’s so true about not being able to disagree with Glamberts on MJ’s. Glamberts can criticize Kris, which of course should be allowed since MJ’s isnt’ a fansite and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but if you disagree with them, MJ basically accuses you of feeding the trolls. All that does is prove that the negative Glambert comments were actually troll bait to start fan wars and not just genuine opinions.

            Oh, and who’s this new person,geshu, on TWoP? I believe that person was responsible for getting the Kris thread locked.

          • erinnthered permalink
            January 25, 2010 6:27 pm

            Funny, snarky stuff only gets deleted if it’s a reply to something she’s already deleting.

            I’ve found the way to handle it is to not make it about a specific poster. Be as general as possible. Either that, or take the “ross” or “Kirsten” approach.

            The reason the Glamberts get away with it is that they are only attacking Kris, not other posters. You want to play with them, go after Adam. It’ll be a pile on at first, but you won’t get banned or modded. I’ve criticized Adam multiple times, and been attacked for it. The attackers have gotten modded or deleted, but not me.

            Don’t get mean and defensive towards the posters. It’s like the whole thing with poporange. It went too far, and got very, very personal. She’s had pop around for years, and knows her issues. Yes, pop is abusing her issues to get away with something, but the way you guys handled it, it was a miracle you weren’t banned.

            • deez permalink
              January 25, 2010 9:51 pm

              “The reason the Glamberts get away with it is that they are only attacking Kris, not other posters. You want to play with them, go after Adam. It’ll be a pile on at first, but you won’t get banned or modded. I’ve criticized Adam multiple times, and been attacked for it. The attackers have gotten modded or deleted, but not me.”

              Yeah…that’s the problem I have with it. I don’t want to attack Adam. My issue isn’t with him. It’s with the Glambert Brigade! I don’t think my heart would be in attacking Adam. I don’t have a problem with them critiquing Kris’ perfomances …it’s the stupid personal crap that they introduce into every thread. It always turns into the album sales argument. blah. I wish she would have a rule against baiters, they instigate 90% of thread derailments.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 11:06 pm

              I agree with Deez. I have nothing to say against Adam. I love him. I do have something against a few of his fans though.

        • Sherena permalink
          January 25, 2010 4:52 pm

          That’s funny, because Adam fans had the same complaint before. When people would insult Adam/ bait people, it would be okay, but then when Adam fans responded it was “defensive, get thee to a fansite.” This doesn’t happen so much anymore– I guess cuz Adam isn’t that successful right now so people got bored of Adam fan baiting– but it’s funny to see this same complaint come from the “other camp” per se.

          Now I just think MJ’s rules in general favor snarking and/or baiting over defensiveness. Which… stepping back, now that my fan ardor has cooled down a bit… makes sense, when it comes to running an interesting site for people to read.

          • Claire permalink
            January 25, 2010 5:06 pm

            Oh I’m sure it’s both camps doing the baiting and getting all defensive.

            Whoever said that any given comments section starts out with relatively sane replies and then by post #50 it starts to devolve into the same tired fanwars was spot on.

            • erinnthered permalink
              January 25, 2010 6:05 pm

              I’m just waiting for Godwin. It’ll happen eventually. Just wait.

            • Sherena permalink
              January 25, 2010 6:10 pm

              Yup. Idolfanlandia is so predictable. The same cycles over and over and over again… no wonder MJ is so stressed all the time.

          • erinnthered permalink
            January 25, 2010 6:33 pm

            It’s not about ruling in favor of “baiting,” it’s about keeping it about the subject at hand, and not the people with the opinions. Attack the Idols, not the posters. That’s why they get away with it.

            I love mj, but I cannot wait for the Glamberts to finally go off to their personal boards.

      • stanless permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:58 pm

        I feel the same way, Soapbox! I actually just found TopIdol via MJ’s and it’s a relief to know that I’m not the only one who feels this way!

  12. deez permalink
    January 24, 2010 9:51 pm

    No… no… no…you tards have this all wrong!!!! The Earthquake was caused by the Board of Directors of Chick-fik-A. After reducing the landscape to rubble, they are sending Kris down there to case the joint to come up with the best possible locale for their new giant chicken farm/biscuit factory. Did you NOT play that the anthem backwards to hear the subliminal messages? He clearly was singing “Eat Mor Chikin”. Geesh…try to catch up!

    • Claire permalink
      January 24, 2010 11:19 pm

      Hee hee đŸ™‚

      I’m sure the second installment of KK’s book will go into further detail. With all of these conspiracy theories, she’ll be able to write a series of four or so books…like Twilight.

      • Lauren permalink
        January 25, 2010 12:42 am

        Hey…don’t bring my book into this! It’s almost like your trying to provoke TI and I to argue đŸ˜‰

    • Lauren permalink
      January 25, 2010 12:50 am

      Oh and Deez, you’re hilarious. I’d love to attack Glamberts with you again sometime.

      • deez permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:17 am

        Hey, I haven’t seen pooporange lately…our intitial foray was a huge success!!!!11!.
        Well…except for the fact that I’m modded now lol.

        • Lauren permalink
          January 25, 2010 2:26 am

          Haha well every great victory comes with a few casualties.

    • erinnthered permalink
      January 25, 2010 2:52 am

      You forgot the collusion with the Republican Party of Massachusetts. They wanted to keep the Democrats home on election day so they helped manufacture the disaster so the libs would be glued to CNN and MSNBC while the conservatives hit the polls and put in crazy Brown. Chik-fil-A just saw an opening, and helped bring the plan to fruition so they could achieve their own nefarious goals.

      • TopIdol permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:17 pm

        Chik-fil-A is chicken for christ. This is a fact. It’s why you can’t eat there on a Sunday.

  13. auntieaimee permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:51 pm

    What a selfless gesture. He really is a good and kind person. His folks should be very proud. They’ve raised a good man.

  14. Lakshmi permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:45 pm

    I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade and I am sure that Kris’s heart is in the right place, but I just read this post after I read this and this, so this story makes me a really uncomfortable. And if a bunch of Kris fans suddenly decide to drop everything and follow him to Haiti, I might punch a wall.

    For anyone who doesn’t feel like clicking on the links, both articles are about how unskilled volunteers almost always get in the way in a disaster zone. “Besides not being able to do much that local people can’t already do, by showing up to volunteer you could take critical resources away from the very people you are trying to help, writes Saundra Schimmelpfennig.

    The best thing ordinary people can do to help Haiti is to send a monetary donation to a reputable relief organization (Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, etc.)

    • TopIdol permalink
      January 24, 2010 7:54 pm

      I believe I heard something about Glamberts wanting to send CDs…of course, this may just be a joke, however, they’re planning on doing that for the troops. So really, its not that far-fetched.

      It also doesn’t occur to these idiots how there might not be electricity. And that they have other things they need other than a Lambert CD.

      I think Kris Allen has done a lot of aid work before, so he would probably be better off than others with no experience. I do hope it has nothing to do with Idol Gives Back, though.

      • Mylifeback permalink
        January 24, 2010 7:57 pm

        Are the CD’s designed to boost morale, cuz ……

      • erinnthered permalink
        January 25, 2010 2:04 am

        I was terrified they’d start an Adam for the Troops drive. I guess they can use them for target practice? I’m sure that’s how Taylor’s CD was used. I have a friend going to Iraq with his Army medical unit in a few months. I’ll ask that if he sees any AI related CDs to send video of how they were destroyed. đŸ™‚

    • yuppie permalink
      January 24, 2010 7:56 pm

      Why do you think a bunch of Kris fans are going to follow him to Haiti. Kris has done this type of relief work before, in Thailand after the tsunami, for example. I am sure that he arranged this with an organization where he can be most useful. My understanding is that they are going to need a lot of just grunt-work help in building temporary shelter for the survivors–tents and whatnot. I’m sure Kris can do that.

      • TopIdol permalink
        January 24, 2010 8:02 pm

        If Adam Lambert were going to Haiti, that’s another story.

        I’m sure there are OTT Kris Allen fans out there but I try to ignore them, as its much more fun to laugh at the Glamberts since there’s more overall ridiculousness in which to entertain me. Hey, I call out crazy if I see it and if some batshit crazy Kris fans get their asses down to Haiti, I’ll ridicule them.

        All this being said…the Sparkle Cows better start pre-planning for their big stalking expedition at summer’s end. And we all know I want to details on such things đŸ™‚

        • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
          January 24, 2010 8:23 pm

          Anybody who decides to go help out a situation of this magnitude without having the required skills should not go. And under no circumstances should they even consider going just because someone they tard over is. That just makes everyone look bad and regardless of how good the celeb’s intentions and services can be, you can be sure they’ll never be allowed to do it again.

        • 8sourcandy permalink
          January 24, 2010 11:27 pm

          What is happening at summer’s end?

        • Starr permalink
          January 26, 2010 5:18 am

          ….but I already booked my flight to Haiti! *whine*

    • Lauren permalink
      January 24, 2010 8:24 pm

      I see what you’re saying but I think Kris seems to be experienced in this type of aid with all those past mission trips. I couldn’t even think that any fan could bsc enough to follow him to Haiti…could they?

      • Kathy permalink
        January 24, 2010 8:57 pm

        Surely not. For the most part us Kris Tards are relatively sane just partial to pocket idol. So I doubt it. But there’s always 1 lol

        • deez permalink
          January 25, 2010 12:22 am

          Crap, I’m too lazy to click links and vote in polls, I sure as hell wouldn’t follow him around. I think 99.99% of Kristards probably fit that mold.

          • blacklisted permalink
            January 25, 2010 12:32 am

            Most Kristards are too lazy to visit Kris Allen Official much less follow Pocket Idol to a disaster zone.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:49 am

              I checked out KAAddicts today. I hung out in the chat for a while with the user-name of Kradam722. They all seemed pretty chill. In fact, I wasn’t the only Kradam fan there.
              Kris fans are pretty mellow.

            • deez permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:50 am

              Oh stop being nice, Lauren…just say what you mean!! We are Lazzzzz….zzzzzz…zzzzz….zzzz

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 1:54 am

              No! I had fun there. They all thanked me for visiting their site when I said I had to go. Deez, I think you are just lazy đŸ˜›
              But yeah, I can only be motivated to vote in a poll if someone sends me the link and I really feel Adam deserves it. For example: Gay Male of the Decade, I ended up voting for NPH.

            • deez permalink
              January 25, 2010 2:00 am

              “Deez, I think you are just lazy ”

              You got that right. My blue monster thingy (if you notice) is pictured from above…he is sound asleep sprawled out on a pink king-size bed. It’s scary-accurate.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 2:09 am

              Hahahaha! I totally see that!

  15. Lauren permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:27 pm

    If you guys want, send me the links and I’ll rage right back at them. Insulting his personality or music is one thing, but pretending that Kris is only helping out Haiti for PR is inexcusable.

    • TopIdol permalink
      January 24, 2010 7:46 pm

      Wouldn’t it have been better if he had just played on that telethon with every big celebrity? Maybe answered a few phones. He could have had a bigger audience than on Idol! ZOMG!

      I think a lot of this stuff IS mostly for PR, but I don’t get that vibe with him. And he was doing similar work long before he got famous.

      • Lauren permalink
        January 24, 2010 8:22 pm

        I know! Can’t we just all accept that Kris is a good person and isn’t in it for the fame? Guess not.

      • Kathy permalink
        January 24, 2010 10:08 pm

        And he could have gotten a picture with Leo what was he thinking???

    • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
      January 24, 2010 9:31 pm

      Kris has years of experience on mission trips and has done some relief work. I think he’d be smart enough to know if he is qualified to go do some volunteer work in Haiti. So what if it’s also a good PR opportunity? Nothing wrong with highlighting something he had been doing for years before he got on tv.

    • melvel permalink
      January 25, 2010 6:45 am

      Do you go to ONTD AI? There’s a thread there on this topic, and there are actually some people questioning Kris’ motives (PR move, blah blah blah)

      Not suprisingly, those who are vocal in criticizing him are quite known to be Adam tards.

      • Lauren permalink
        January 25, 2010 11:55 am

        I ignore the threads at ontd_ai. Too much work to read through them. I will say the initial post was very pro-Kris. They were talking about the drunk thing but they used that as a reason to like him.

  16. Nich permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:26 pm

    This is so awesome of him.

    I didn’t know that he hit #1 either. Cool.

  17. lostbrigade permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:24 pm

    Oh, I’ve already seen some wank over this. How he’s only going to get in the way, how he’s going to take up food/security/resources that should be going to doctors/nurses, etc, how he’s doing it only for the PR.

    That’s typical Kris Allen, raging fame whore who loves to capitalize off of human tragedy at every opportunity! It’s not like he could possibly be involved in a disaster relief organization’s planned effort to do some ground level work that is able to be done by unprofessionals, or that he’s ever done anything like this before, say, with tsunami relief–

    Oh, wait.

  18. margie permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:22 pm

    Gawd it’s already starting….It’s all a PR move. It’s not like he did this kind of aid work way before he was on Idol.

  19. SarahBeth permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:21 pm

    Awesome! I heard about this on twitter earlier (and also, I find it strangely hot when he talks football/any kind of sports) and I think it’s great that he’s not just going to be performing on a telethon show, or answering phones. He’s actually going to go DO something, hands on.

    Good for him. And seriously, can he be any more amazing?

  20. Mysterioso permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:13 pm

    Could Kris get any more lovable? Coolest Idol ever!

  21. January 24, 2010 7:06 pm

    Good for Kris. He really is a nice guy.

    • Verbally Dyslexic permalink
      January 24, 2010 8:17 pm

      Apparently my brain thought it would be funny to read that as “He really is a nice gay”.

  22. Mylifeback permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:06 pm

    But shouldn’t he be spending his time being photographed at red carpet events?

    • TopIdol permalink
      January 24, 2010 7:08 pm

      He should definitely be helping out Guiliana on E! report the red carpet highs and lows if he knows what’s good for his career.

      • Mithra permalink
        January 24, 2010 7:22 pm

        Ur just HATERZ.

        A lovely pic:,,20332854_20339054,00.html

        • 8sourcandy permalink
          January 24, 2010 8:54 pm

          I love that pic too! I know Haiti is more important than mugging it up with Justin Timberlake. đŸ™‚ But it is JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! and proof that I am that much closer to realizing my dream of a Sexy Back Duet! You may squee!

          I know I am shallow.

          • Lauren permalink
            January 24, 2010 8:59 pm

            That would be amazing! It’s ok to be shallow đŸ˜€

            • Mithra permalink
              January 24, 2010 11:14 pm

              Actually, I was being sarcastic, as you probably figured đŸ˜€ He looks like a tool. He’s now following on the career path of Bikini Girl đŸ˜› I also can’t stand Timberlake’s looks, so much fug in one pic…

            • 8sourcandy permalink
              January 24, 2010 11:19 pm

              I am also secretly wishing for a joint appearance on SNL in which they sing the “d**k in a box” song together.

              • TopIdol permalink
                January 25, 2010 12:58 pm

                That would just give the lunatics hope, honey.

            • Lauren permalink
              January 25, 2010 12:40 am

              LOL!!!!!!!!!! Haha that would be all sorts of fantastic, Sour!

        • kes permalink
          January 24, 2010 10:36 pm

          I won’t lie, ’cause I’m very indifferent to both of them, I kinda gag at that pic

          • 8sourcandy permalink
            January 25, 2010 11:51 pm

            Mithra, I just happen to like tools. đŸ™‚

  23. Kathy permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:05 pm

    Yes I saw this and thought the same thing… how long till the crazies twist a nice act into something ugly. It would be nice to be in a position to actually go help. I am a HR mom at my sons school and the kids group is putting together donations to send this week. I was away from the tv but had the news on in the background, I believe I just heard they just got hit by yet another aftershock. 5.5 I think this time.

  24. on the edge permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:01 pm

    Also in that interview with the New Orleans radio station, another reason I *heart* Kris…he joked that since the LSU purple and gold looked too much like Vikings colors they should just put it all away today and not have it out! And that he would NEVER join the LSU bandwagon! Now that DJ should have known, being an Arkansas Razorback he hates LSU, almost as much as us Ole Miss fans do! I was actually pumping my fists during that bit.

    I’m such a footballtard.

  25. Lauren permalink
    January 24, 2010 7:01 pm

    That is just wonderful. I haven’t been keeping up with twitter recently so I didn’t see that. If anyone is upset by that I will tell them to GTFO! Kris is just too perfect sometimes.


  1. Kris Allen is going to Haiti. Glamberts say he’s drunk. « Top Idol

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