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American Idol needs your prayers

March 1, 2009

There are people in Australia who have lost everything. Unspeakable atrocities take place every day in Darfur. There are millions of orphans around the world yet those who squeeze out litters receive unnecessary media attention and quite often, a television show on TLC.

Many people have cancer and/or other horrible diseases. Economies around the world are tanking. And there is still a ridiculous war going on in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah, the world is a shitty, messed up place. It always has been. It always will be. 

So what do you pray for? If you don’t pray, let’s pretend for a moment you do. What would be tops on your prayer list?

Let me guess: An American Idol contestant, right?

One blogger urges her readers to Jump on Danny Gokey’s Glory Train. (Glory Train. HOT and ANOINTED. Maybe it’s just me, some of these things sound a wee bit Skinamax-y at times.)

First off, I have so many things on my list to post from this week, but I just haven’t had the time — I promise I will get to that. But, since American Idol is going to start in a few minutes, I wanted to get this post up.

Apparently, and from a reliable source, the official American Idol site no longer allows “prayer threads” on the forums. How sad is that! 

There are a lot of reasons to pray for different contestants — doing their best, their strength, their witness, their being drawn to God, or cover while in the “industry”. Many of the contestants usually have a group people that believe in the power of prayer praying for them for one reason or another. 

There are a number of contestants that I feel we should pray for this year–because they love the Lord or because they really need the Lord. It’s been requested (and we were going to do it anyway) that we coverDanny Gokey in prayer this season. So, I am asking my readers to join us in doing so. (Voting for Danny helps him too)

In my research, and confirmed by others including a churchmate of Danny Gokey’s (thanx Steph), Danny definitely is a “server”, a “giver” and has plans to bless others in need already put in motion. He is surrendered to Christ. (Do you know what that means?) (Danny is the contestant that auditioned a few weeks after his wife’s death even though he was still in a major state of grief).

Since AI, doesn’t allow prayer threads, several warriors have set up a thread for him elsewhere (on a general prayer site, David Cook’s site and on Phil Stacey’s site). If you are a computer person, visit the threads, if not, please pray for Danny to continue to seek the Lord and do his best while going about his Father’s business. 🙂

So with all the other things going on in our own lives and in the world, we should also pray for a person who is making a name for themselves on a top-rated TV show? I’m not suggesting these “prayer threaders” don’t pray for guidance or help on more pressing issues, however, it’s difficult to grasp why one even wastes those few moments praying for someone they have seen on TV and have never met. So because these individuals are also Christian in their beliefs, then they are instantly deserving of their prayers?

Then in my web travels, I stumbled onto a few prayer threads. I guess we are supposed to be praying for Ryan Seacrest, too? 

I don’t know why this hasn’t been done sooner. I guess the LORD, put it on my heart for this moment today. I have thought about Ryan Seacrest off & on for awhile now, but have neglected to really lift him up in prayer. Something about last night’s show made me worry about him  Sad, and I put a disscussion on LOAP called prayers for Ryan Seacrest in my Season 8 American Idol group. I decided I would bring over what I wrote & prayed for him. Please join me in praying for him or at least agree in prayer about him here.  

As host & spokesman for American Idol, and many other Entertainment, high profile jobs, Ryan seems to be happy with everything he does. But there is a side of hurt & pain that no one but God really knows about with him. No one can really believe the rumors of Gossip Columns, but sometimes seeing the person you begin to see what is true about them and what is not. God can only truly judge the heart of a man, but I feel God telling me to really pray for Ryan. Here are some of the specifics to keep in your prayers for Ryan …
1.) He is high profile & in the spotlight all the time. Therefore is a large target for some of the cruelest words & comments. He is also someone who could also be in harms way alot. Pray for God to protect him physically and emotionally from people who treat him bad.
2.) He is very lonely. At the “Top of the world” it would seem you have it all…All that is expect true friendships, and love. Pray for a solid Christian male friend into his life, and that he can experience the Greatest Love & Friendship of all, a Relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. His self esteem. Ryan struggles deeply with this issue. I was frightened by how gaunt & skinny he looks lately. I heard that as a young man in his teens he would only eat grapefruits & litterally scratch his cheeks until they were red & marked, because he felt like he was “fat.” Pray for him to be set free in Jesus, and that he can see himself with the eyes of  God!

LORD, Jesus, wrap Your arms around Ryan, and speak over his heart. May he be set free in You, and know that You love him so very very much! Give him peace & love from You, and may he know that You are all he truly Needs. I do ask for his safety & protection. I know many have made crude comments & cruel judgements about him, that hurt him deeply. I ask that his heart will be shielded & protected from these things. And for his physical protection I pray as well. Hem him in & keep guard over his life. I ask that he will be given the wonderful gift of a relationship with You, Jesus. Touch his life & restore him. I grieve in my heart for his life, physically & spiritually. Bring him a great friend. A good male friend, who Loves You more than anyone or anything else, Jesus. Someone with wisdom to know how to speak to the very heart of Ryan. And may Ryan have the faith to trust in You & surrender his heart to You. To not feel afraid of being let down or rejected by You. Speak Truth to him by Your word & Your servants that are on American Idol. I ask that You will use Danny Gokey, Scott MacIntyre & Mishavonna Hensen to shine out Your reflecting light to Ryan. Bring Ryan to You, by the power of the Cross & resurrection. Touch his body & bring him strength & health. May he be able to eat better & take care of himself too. in Your Name Jesus, I pray. ~Amen

Ok, Lady. I don’t know Seacrest or Danny Gokey or Scott MacIntyre or any of the others. While I’m sure they would thank you for your prayers, they might also tell you to pray for starving little children, the sick, the lonely, those whose lives have been destroyed by unbelievable disaster, cute little furry animals,  et al. 

Jesus, bring us wisdom on how to pray for people. I ask that You will give Danny the wisdom that he needs with each of his song choices, but more importantly with words he speaks to people who don’t know You. I pray so very much that the those who are searching & hurting will see Jesus in Danny. Even if they can not articulate the words needed to express what they want, that Danny will be given Just the words to speak over these hearts. May Jesus always be the answer for them. May they have the faith to believe. I am so blessed & touched by Danny’s Love for You, and I ask for a heart like that. Keep Danny safe in You. Draw him ever closer to Your heart. Protect him from the enemys’ advances. And I praise You, Jesus, that no weapon formed against him shall prosper! That You are his sheild & Protection & the Lifter of his head. Keep Danny healthy & may he be influencing hearts & lives by being the Reflecting light of Christ. Even in our Broken Imperfection You have the chance to shine bright in us, and that is a thing of Glory. In Your Name Jesus I pray~Amen


Do you really think, if they do exist, God is concerning themselves with what songs someone sings on American Idol?

13 Comments leave one →
  1. spinshack permalink
    March 2, 2009 6:35 pm

    “God is very real” said in earnest fervor by one of the Hokey-Gokey fundies. *watching for the bolt of lightening*

    God is different ‘things’ to different people and religions. Both God and religion have been completely desecrated by the masses who select to stand up and fight in His name and the name of their Faith. Each time a war breaks out in the name of God/Allah/Yah, (pick one), the combatants are praying for their side. Yet what do we see come out of the humanity hitting their knees or kneeling on mats and facing Mecca? Death, destruction, buildings taken down with airliners.

    What constitutes God as being real then? Real insofar as He’s the reason given as an excuse for some of that craziness that lives in the hearts, minds and souls of those he supposedly created.

    What are we seeing people doing now in this minor instance of a reality show in the name of God? Praying for some schmo to carry on and reach their ‘dream’. It’s hilarious.

  2. InterestingBlog permalink
    March 2, 2009 3:47 pm

    Voicing judgment of another and disguising it as prayer. Sad, and not at all what God intended, imo.

  3. AIFan permalink
    March 1, 2009 5:54 pm

    Here is what I don’t get. When you pray for some contestants to make it through another week, does not it mean that you are praying for others NOT to make it through ? So you expect God to pick and choose ? I suppose he did not really love all the ones that were sent home.

    • TopIdol permalink
      March 1, 2009 6:01 pm

      No one ever says, “Oh, phooey. It must have been because I didn’t pray hard enough.” It simply becomes “God’s Will”.

      Taking responsibility for one’s actions is just soooooo overrated.

  4. March 1, 2009 5:31 pm

    Hey delusional fundy, expand your tiny mind

    • TopIdol permalink
      March 1, 2009 5:35 pm

      I do want Dawkins to visit. Perhaps one or two of my posts could make the next printing of The God Delusion.

  5. wtgm3 permalink
    March 1, 2009 4:56 pm

    I am a fan of American Idol and several of its former and current contestants, Danny Gokey being one of them. I happen to belong to this prayer site that you referred to, and am the assistant manager to that Phil Stacey fan site that was mentioned. I would like you to know that God is very real, and prayer is very powerful. If a person has a desire to pray for someone, like Ryan Seacrest, or even you, they have the right to pray and God hears them. And to answer the one poster, God is not too busy to hear anyone’s sincere prayers. The world is in the state it is in because people do their own thing and do not know to give honor to the One Who created them until they have an emergency. Then the same ones they mocked they come running to. God loves every single on in this world, including all of you who want to make light of anything concerning Him or anyone who honors Him. Do not forget that that site you referred to has people that genuinely care and will take your prayers, too, for any need you have.:-) In fact, I pray for you, author of “Top Idol,” and others who post that do not understand, that God will make Himself real to you and that you will see why a prayer site like this exists.

    • TopIdol permalink
      March 1, 2009 5:19 pm

      I believe there is something to be said for prayer.

      I just don’t understand why people are praying for American Idol contestants. Praying for someone to become straight is especially wrong. If the Lord loves everyone, I suspect he loves gay people, too. And praying for someone to make it through another week on American Idol? What about just being thankful?

      Praying for say, Luke Menard is one thing. Praying for someone to chose the right songs is an entirely different animal.

    • chipbutty permalink
      March 1, 2009 7:35 pm

      Hmmm – I’d say that certain things that are wrong with the world, Iraq & Afghanistan to name but two, are because people are giving entirely too much ‘honour’ to their chosen ‘One Who Created Them’.

      As for praying for to make someone who is gay to see the ‘error of their ways’ and become straight, that prayer says a damn sight more about those making it than those that it’s about. There’s nothing like hiding behind organised religion to make a person feel justified in their fears and prejudices.

  6. AIFan permalink
    March 1, 2009 12:52 pm

    Well, no wonder the world is in the shape it’s in ! God is too busy with the American Idol to pay attention to pesky things like wars, poverty and the economic meltdown !

  7. March 1, 2009 7:34 am

    Just passing by.Btw, your website have great content!

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  1. Nathaniel Marshall: OMG HE IS GAY BUT IS HE A CHRISTIAN?? « Top Idol
  2. Adam G’Lambert: O Come Let Us Adore Him « Sunny’s Spin Shack

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